From just £1 per ticket, you could win:

Top prize£3,000
2nd prize£1,000
3rd prize£500
4th prize£300
5th prize£200
6th prize£100
7th prizes£50 x 5
8th prizes£25 x 5

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Welcome to our Spring Raffle 2025!

East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) is a charity providing life-saving critical care 24/7 by air and road. From road traffic collisions to cardiac arrests to medical emergencies, the specialist doctors, critical care paramedics and pilots bring the advanced skills, equipment and medicine directly to you or your family, in the fastest time possible.

We receive no regular government funding and rely almost entirely on the public to keep us in the air and on the road.

Now is your chance to help our vital work and be in with a chance of winning unforgettable prizes in our Spring Raffle 2025.

Enter now (18+ to enter)

How to enter

Entering is easy - simply follow the steps below:

Simply click the 'enter now' button below, ensuring that you are at least 18 years old and a resident of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

Select the amount of tickets you'd like to have, enter your details into the form and let us know how you'd like to hear from us.

Pay for your tickets by debit card and then sit back and relax - we'll let you know if you're a winner shortly after the draw on 9 May 2025.

Enter now (18+ to enter)

Marion's chain of survival

"Marion went rapidly downhill; she was rigid and unconscious. It became really serious."

Andrew, Marion's husband.

One December evening in 2023, 77-year-old Marion, from Cambridgeshire, told her husband, Andrew, she felt unwell. Moments later, she suffered a cardiac arrest. Marion’s survival depended on quick action by Andrew and their neighbour, Dave, who had recently refreshed his CPR skills through an East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) training session.

Andrew called 999 while Dave fetched a defibrillator located 150 yards away. Marion’s condition rapidly worsened. Relying on his training, Dave performed chest compressions while following the defibrillator’s prompts. The device delivered three shocks, reviving Marion just as paramedics and EAAA’s critical care team arrived.

When you play our raffle, you're saving lives...

EAAA’s Dr. Claire and Critical Care Paramedic Josh stabilised Marion, administering medication which is not carried by the ambulance service. Marion was taken to Papworth Hospital, accompanied by Dr Claire, where she underwent surgery and spent six days recovering.

Reflecting on the ordeal, Marion said, “I wouldn’t have survived without CPR. Everyone should learn it.” Dave added, “EAAA’s training was really valuable. I am so pleased I was able to help Marion and Andrew, and that the outcome was good.”

Andrew emphasised the importance of regular CPR training, crediting it with helping to save Marion’s life.

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(Left to right: Andrew, Marion and Dave)

Learn CPR now, it could save a life!

One in four of the emergencies to which EAAA is tasked are cardiac arrests. CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is when somebody performs chest compressions on someone who is in cardiac arrest to help keep them alive.

Watch our training video on how to perform CPR, or to learn more click here.

Raffle information

Tickets for the EAAA raffle cost £1 and our members have a 1 in 4,392 chance of winning a prize in the raffle, based on the number of entries in the same draw last time.

In 2024, EAAA received £219,084 in ticket sales, of which 70% went straight back to the charity, 7% was spent on prizes and 23% on expenses.

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