Raffle Terms and Conditions

Rules of play

The following are the terms and conditions of the East Anglian Air Ambulance (Trading) Ltd (EAAA) charity raffle. By completing the player application form, you agree that you have read and understood these terms and that they will apply to and govern your participation in the raffle, which is defined as a lottery by The Gambling Commission. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions, you should not accept them, in which case you will not be eligible to participate in the raffle.

  • All winners will be notified in writing as soon as possible after the draw.
  • A list of winning numbers will be published on www.eaaa.org.uk within 14 days of the draw.
  • The top three winners will be notified by telephone where a telephone number is available.
  • The Spring and Winter raffle draws will take place on the days specified below:
    • Entry to the Spring Raffle closes on the first Friday of May each year.
    • The Spring Raffle will be drawn on the second Friday of May each year.
    • Entry to the Winter Raffle closes on the first Tuesday of December each year.
    • The Winter Raffle will be drawn on the second Tuesday of December each year.
  • Prizes are non-transferable
  • To enter the raffle, you must be resident of the UK and aged 18 or over.
  • Entry to the raffle is not open to employees of the External Lottery Manager (ELM) or anyone else directly connected or responsible for running the draw.
  • This raffle is promoted by East Anglian Air Ambulance (Trading) Limited, for the benefit of East Anglian Air Ambulance. Company registration number 04066700.
  • Any payment received after the closing date will be treated as a donation to the charity.
  • Payment must be made by Debit Card, cheque or cash only. No payments will be accepted by Credit Card in line with Gambling Commission guidelines.
  • Any payments made by card, online or by telephone, will be subject to a BIN (Bank Identification Number) check, to identify if the card is a Credit or Debit card.
  • No ticket may be sold to or by any persons under 18 years of age. No prizes will be paid to anyone under the age of 18 years.
  • Maximum number of tickets is 60 per person. Additional tickets can be requested by calling 0370 058 5954.
  • EAAA reserves the right to use winners’ names for promotional purposes. These will only be used in summary e.g. Mrs Smith from Norfolk.
  • Any application for entry into the lottery (raffle) may be rejected for any reason by discretion of the Responsible Persons, S. Judd or C. Soards.
  • Any entry may be terminated at the discretion of EAAA with any unused monies refunded.
  • EAAA reserves the right to reclaim any prizes issued in error.
  • EAAA may change the rules of the raffle at any time and at their discretion. Customers will be notified of any changes to the rules on the www.eaaa.org.uk website before they come into effect.
  • The EAAA raffle is licenced by the Gambling Commission under account number 3319.

Customer funds – segregation and disclosure

Payments received in advance of the raffle draw are accounted for and reconciled, after the draw has been concluded, with the bank and the External Lottery Manager (ELM).

We qualify for the basic customer fund rating with regards to holding funds received in advance. The funds are kept in a bank account in the charity, thus separate from the trading subsidiary.

Trustees have deemed this bank account as separate and the funds are not included in the working capital of the charity.

No credit is granted to individual customers. If a customer has not paid, they are not entered into the draw.

Complaints Procedure

EAAA aims to ensure that any issue regarding the lottery (raffle) that you may have is dealt with promptly, efficiently and in confidence. If you wish to make a complaint then please contact the Head of Individual Giving and Supporter Engagement in the first instance by one of the following methods: telephone: 03450 669 999, email: info@eaaa.org.uk or in writing to East Anglian Air Ambulance (Trading) Ltd, Helimed House, Hangar 14, Norwich Airport, Gambling Close, Norwich NR6 6EG.

The Charity will send acknowledgment of your complaint along with a copy of our complaints procedure within seven working days. Your complaint will be fully investigated, and a response issued within a further 10 working days. If you are still not happy with the response to the issue you will then be referred to the Gambling Commission’s registered responsible persons at our office address, C. Soards. If the matter cannot be resolved internally by the charity, it would then be referred to our Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider, IBAS (Independent Betting and Adjudication Service) for further advice and at no cost to the complainant. IBAS can be contacted by phone on 020 7347 5883 or by email at adjudication@ibas-uk.co.uk, and further details are available at www.ibas-uk.com.

For further information on how we handle complaints, including how key events and incidents are recorded, please read our full policy here: www.eaaa.org.uk/making-a-complaint

Problem Gambling

Whilst we’d love as many people as possible to support us by playing the East Anglian Air Ambulance lottery, helping members of the public gamble in a responsible way is even more important. Please make sure you bear the following in mind:

  • a) Gambling should be entertaining and not seen as a way of making money
  • b) Avoid chasing losses
  • c) Only gamble what you can afford to lose
  • d) Keep track of the time and amount you spend gambling
  • e) If you need to talk to someone about problem gambling then contact GamCare. GamCare is a registered charity that provides confidential telephone support and counselling to anyone who is affected by problem gambling. GamCare can be contacted confidentially on their helpline on 0808 8020 133. You can also visit the GamCare website for more information and advice. www.gamcare.org.uk
  • f) Please contact us to let us know if you wish to be excluded from receiving any marketing regarding gambling products from the charity.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the East Anglian Air Ambulance (Trading) Ltd responsible person for gambling (S. Judd) at: e/ info@eaaa.org.ukt/ 03450 669 999 a/ East Anglian Air Ambulance (Trading) Ltd., Helimed House, Hangar 14, Gambling Close, Norwich Airport, Norwich, NR6 6EG


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